
Lisa E. Scott, “Surviving the Female Narcissist: It’s All About Her” – eBook

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Narcissists are incapable of love and intimacy. They put on a brilliant act in the beginning to secure your love. However, the only reason they enter into a relationship is to have someone to control and manipulate. They do this to ensure they have a constant source of narcissistic supply (i.e. YOU) to stroke their fragile ego and indulge their obsession with themselves. Surviving the Female Narcissist provides real life stories from those who have attempted to love a female narcissist to help you learn from their experience and realize you’re not alone. In addition, this book will help you understand the personality of a narcissist and why they behave the way they do.Narcissists need constant attention and stimulation (i.e. drama) in order to feel alive. They eventually grow bored in stable relationships. Intimacy terrifies them and will cause them to push you away even more. Narcissists are secretly sadistic and enjoy seeing how long you will put up with the push/pull torture they engage you in.You need answers to understand why this relationship is so difficult and confusing yet exhilarating and all-consuming.”It’s All About Her” provides the answers to these questions and more: – What is a pathological narcissist? – Why can’t they love or accept love? – Why do they dread intimacy? – How do they gaslight us? – Why do they keep coming back? – Why can’t I stay away?In addition to gaining the clarity you need to finally understand why she behaves the way she does, this book will provide you with the tools, resources and mindset you need to finally break free from her manipulation and games.While there’s nothing you can do to avoid the end of a relationship with a narcissist, this book will help you understand it and realize you’re better off without the narcissist in your life. You can recover, survive and even thrive after narcissistic abuse. Please educate yourself on the personality of the female narcissist before you get in too deep or lose yourself trying to make something work that will never work. You owe it to yourself.