
Writing Skills for College Students: Main Ways to Improve

Writing Skills for College Students - Ways to Improve

When students enroll in colleges, they open a world of avenues to prepare for their future in their chosen industry. Such academic institutions help scholars gain first-hand experience and apply their skills to real-life scenarios. As such, individuals who have attended college are more likely than not to succeed later in the future, thanks to an extensive education system.  Why writing skills are important for college students? While in college, students are required to study up on their subjects and present multiple essays as part of the academic course. This is why it is so important for improving writing skills...

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Useful Resources For College Students

Very Useful Resources For College Students

According to research by Temple University, nearly 1/3rd of all undergraduate college students live in a low-income situation, and 37% reported they do not have enough money to eat healthily on a daily basis. Apart from your needs for textbooks, ebooks, and audiobooks (which we can hopefully fulfill), a student nowadays may also require many more things. We get many emails asking us questions like: what are the best resources for university students? Which ebook reader should I use? How can I pay for textbooks via bitcoins? Therefore, we decided to compile resources and tools for students that may help...

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Perks of Being a Student in the USA

Advantages of Being a Student in America: 9 happy and diverse students stand in front of US flag with their thumbs up

Every year, thousands of applicants from various countries fly overseas for the desired diploma. Does admission to an American university guarantee a successful career? Education in the United States has long been a commodity of international demand, along with the Walk of fame in Hollywood. We consider a diploma from an American University a guarantee of a successful career in your own country, and often this view is true. Before a long-term trip, many of us want to know as much as possible about what awaits us upon arrival. This does not just concern the educational part of programs. Besides...

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Many Publishers Sue Audible Over New Feature

audible gets sued by publishers

Big wigs of the book publishers have mutually filed litigation against Audible, Amazon-owned audiobook company, over an innovative, controversial speech-to-text characteristic, the scholarly circle considers a copyright law infringement. The top five publishers: HarperCollins, Macmillan, Hachette, Simon and Schuster and Penguin Random House, filed the lawsuit in the Southern District Court of New York. The San Francisco based publisher Chronicle Books and Scholastic, a major children’s publisher who also possesses publishing rights to Harry Potter and The Hunger Games, are also included in filing the lawsuit. All the complainants are members of the Association of American Publishers. Audible has revealed...

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