
Best Literary Works Every Student Should Read

Best Literary Works Every Student Should Read

As students, one of the best things you can do is broaden your mind through literature. Regardless of what subject you are studying, reading classic literature, science fiction, and works from the world’s greatest writers can greatly help your development. There is a huge list of must-read books that can transform the way you think, and give you greater insight into the world, human nature, and the society we live in. In the below text, we give our tips and share with you seven particular renowned works that we believe every student should read: The Lord of the Rings by...

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5 Techniques That Will Make Your Essay Grab Readers’ Attention

5 Techniques That Will Make Your Essay Grab Readers Attention

The first words in your essay or article play a very significant role as they determine whether you lose or grab your reader's attention. For this reason, your title, your first paragraph, your subtitles, and the rest of your paragraphs need to be written so well that your reader will want to keep reading your entire article or essay. For starters, what would first draw a reader to your article? The answer is your title. Although you may not realize it, you will likely click on the topic that sounds most enticing whenever you are looking for a certain topic...

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